Vi skaper moderne løsninger
for spesialtilpassede prosjekter
Vi hjelper deg med å skape tillitsbaserte prosesser i kontakt med dine kunder. Bli klar over kundereisen og hvordan du kan forbedre og utnytte dine prosesser for å øke kundetilfredsstillelsen og omsetningen.
Vi kan hjelpe deg med kartleggingen av kundereisen, utarbeide markedsplaner og digitale løsninger for å administrere dem. I tillegg kan vi produsere markedsmateriell og websider/netthandelsløsninger som er tilpasset din bedrifts spesifikke behov.
Sammen skaper vi din merkevare!
Winning together by
working in a team
We are a team of creative people who are very excited to connect, discover new insights and build wonderful things with you!
Møt vårt team
top professionals
Svein Olsen
Daglig leder / prosjektleder
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Lyle White
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Robbie Jones
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Kim Austin
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Robert Page
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Looking for a job?
working in a team
We are looking for creative, motivated and goal-oriented candidates to join our team and work together on challenging tasks. We build custom, unique, creative and beautiful websites.
Some testimonials from
our happy clients
I have been working with Kratz Agency for several months to create a web site for my business. I must admit that the team is highly professional.
Peter Patterson
Everything is fantastic with Kratz Digital Agency! Customer support is one of the best I’ve ever found. Fast and very helpful. Design is modern and stylish.
John Galt
American Post
Everything about the design is amazing. Offers very good flexibility when it comes to changing colors and items according to my needs.
Samantha Green
Google Inc.
Love every detail of our project! Thank you guys for having my back – when it comes to quality, there is no other agency to work with!
Ann Smith